July 6, 2024

Ian Foster was fired by Plymouth Argyle, Birmingham City’s competitors for survival in the league, with just six games remaining. After Steve Schumacher left Home Park to take a position at Stoke City earlier in the season, Foster took over as manager of the Pilgrims. Under his watch, the team has lost eight of their last 11 games, plunging the team from mid-table into the relegation zone.

After narrowly losing to promotion-chasing Norwich City on Good Friday, Plymouth suffered a loss at Bristol City on Easter Monday. Combined with victories by Blues, Stoke, QPR, and during the Easter weekend

Blackburn, it’s left Plymouth hovering precariously just above the relegation zone and the club, back in the second tier for the first time in a number of years, have decided to act in order to give themselves the best chance of remaining in the division.

“Ian was hired through a thorough and extensive recruitment process and his coaching credentials really stood out when making the appointment, but we have to balance long-term stability against short-term decisions, and we have given Ian as long as possible to see if results could improve,” a club statement read.

“Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case, and we feel now is the right time to make a change to give us the best chance of securing survival. The Green Army have been incredible in recent weeks, as ever, and we need you all now to continue that support as we embark on the final weeks of the campaign with Neil (Dewsnip) and Nance (Kevin Nancekivell) in charge. Together we can achieve what we set out to achieve at the start of the season.”

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