July 3, 2024

Notre Dame Football faces setback as WR Jayden Harrison’s injury raises concerns about spring practice lineup.

One of the well-established customs of Notre Dame Football spring practice is that things begin with a great deal of hope, and as injuries begin to mount, supporters begin to worry about who will be healthy and prepared for action come September.

That hasn’t changed for this year either. Riley Leonard, who was meant to be recovered and ready to leave, raised concerns. And then there was Benjamin Morrison’s injury, which put a stop to his spring practice weeks ahead of schedule.

On Tuesday, the custom of fretting over injuries sustained during spring practice for Notre Dame Football persisted. This time, it was Jayden Harrison, a transfer wide receiver, who caused a stir when he showed up on the practice field with a walking boot on his left foot.

Nothing is known about what exactly transpired or how long the receiver will be absent as of now. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like the walking boot will cause a player to immediately lose a lot of time.

When Riley Leonard, the quarterback for Notre Dame Football, was seen last week wearing a walking boot, it turned out to be a positive omen. When Leonard stated on Tuesday that he thinks he would be fully recovered in a few weeks, he provided support for that statement.

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