July 8, 2024

There are always plenty of talking topics surrounding Notre Dame football, but sadly, Riley Leonard’s ankle has been in the spotlight recently.

Since coming to college, Leonard, a 6-foot-4, 217-pound player, has had two minor surgeries on his right ankle, which has prevented him from participating in most of Notre Dame’s spring training.

Positively, though, Leonard is already feeling a lot better than he has in the past few months, and it is hoped that he will recover quickly.

“I feel good,” stated Leonard. “Physically, this is the best my ankle has felt in about six months. We’re finally over that hump. We’ve been put through the wringer for a while now, but starting to figure it out and feel really good. I think next week, I’ll be jogging.”

It’s very clear the Alabama native is itching to get on the field, but he has made the most of observing this spring, which has its own positives.

“Mentally, being able to take mental notes at practice has been really cool for me,” explained Leonard. “I’ve been in a similar offense in the past. Through film study and things like that, I think I’ll be able to fit right into this offense as long as I can build this chemistry off the field with the guys.

Quarterbacks coach Gino Guidugli is well aware the situation isn’t ideal for Leonard or the Notre Dame offense, but he’s also thinking several steps ahead.

Leonard might be limited, but in the drills or periods he can practice, Guidguli is making sure to give him more reps than the healthy quarterbacks.

“If it’s a situation where he can’t do some of the live or team stuff, when we are in a 7-on-7 situation, he has to take the majority of those reps just to try to get him caught up a little bit, stated Guidugli. “Try to gain that timing back.”

Notre Dame athletic trainer Mike Bean invented the TayCo Brace and it’s allowed Leonard to do much more than most players in his situation.

The brace goes on the outside of the shoe, which gives the ankle stabilization and movement, but also allows you to walk and jog.

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