July 7, 2024

Arizona’s Tucson (13 News) – In Barrio Anita, which is close to midtown, a tiny business owner is hoping for a Christmas miracle.

Anita Street Market has seen numerous challenges since the outbreak and is currently struggling to remain operational.

Not every tortilla you buy at the supermarket is the same as the ones offered in the market. For many Tucsonans, they have been a tradition since the 1980s.

It’s that same past when we fast-forward to the present. The proprietor of Anita Street Market, Gracie Soto, intends to endure for upcoming generations.

A Southern Arizona business owner's urgent cry for help - Berg News

Everyone does not want to hear about foreclosure, according to Soto. “Whether it’s a place of business or residence.”

For the past forty years, Anita Street Market has been the heart and soul of the Soto family; yet, due to financial difficulties, this may soon change.

“It’s not about me; it’s about the market, the culture, and the history,” Soto declared. “It has to do with Tucson losing a mainstay.”

Mexican immigrants Mario and Grace Soto realized their American Dream when they opened the market. Their granddaughter Soto claimed that the reason she is still battling is because of their diligence.

“They [the customer] say, ‘Look at your nana and tata,’ pointing at the picture of my nana and tata,” Soto stated.

Grace passed away in 2020 from COVID-19, and since

Her mortgage payment is now several months overdue. Soto claims that gentrification is already occurring in the region and that if she is unable to get the necessary monies, her family’s tradition would be lost forever.

“Investors are calling left and right; I know how many people want this store,” Soto remarked. “It has a lot of potential, and I am aware of its value, but to me, it is priceless. I would have sold it long ago if that weren’t the case.

Soto claims that the bankers intend to hold an auction on the Anita St. Market in the middle of January.

“Never will it be the same,” Soto declares to 13 News. “Once it’s gone, there’s no coming back.”

The market will have its yearly “Tata and Nana’s Miracle on Anita St.” on Saturday, December 23, 2023. Mario and Grace began this holiday toy drive 39 years ago.

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